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Shows: Christina


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In radio since 2001, I've worked on all four of the stations that Maverick Media owns as either an on-air talent or a producer. Now you can hear me on B103 weekdays from two in the afternoon until seven in the evening, just in time for you to start watching your favorite television shows! I have two major addictions being online, and watching far too many televisions shows. At my home I do own over 1000 DVDs and about half of my collection consists of TV Shows on DVD. If I pick a series, I will more than likely stick with it until the very end, or until the network cancels it. Even those shows that get canceled before they should be still stay somewhere in my memory.<BR><BR>I'm a firm believer that anything in your daily life can be brought back to an episode of Friends, and that Season Six of Supernatural could be Castiel reading a dictionary and I would still watch it. I've watched LOST since the San Diego Comic Convention when they released the first hour of the pilot to the public and now that the series has ended, I'm actually happy that I stuck with it. I hope to share some of my insights, my opinions and my random findings with you on some of my favorite television shows, and internet hot spots.