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Shows: Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)

Listen to public radio's daily magazine of business and economics. But wait. Before you run away screaming "I hate business, finance and economics," this is a different kind of business program -- one that is interesting, even entertaining, and one that finds fascination and humor in the subject.


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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  4:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KUSD SDPB 91.1 FM Pierre, SD
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  6:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KOPB-FM 91.5 FM Portland, OR
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  5:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KUSU FM UPR Live 91.5 FM Logan, UT
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  4:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KRTS Marfa Public Radio 93.5 FM Marfa, TX
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  3:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 60 min WCQS HD2 BPR News 88.1 FM Asheville, NC
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  3:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 29 min WGTE 91.3 FM Toledo, OH
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  3:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min WQPR - Alabama Public Radio 88.7 FM Tuscaloosa, AL
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  3:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min WITF 93.3 FM Harrisburg, PA
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  2:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KAJX 91.5 FM Aspen, CO
Recording scheduled.
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Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  2:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KUAZ 89.1 FM Tucson, AZ
Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal (APM)  5:30pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min KUAZ 89.1 FM Tucson, AZ
Recording scheduled.
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