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Shows: The Jesus Christ

Tune in every Sunday morning for The Way, The Truth and The Light. Christians and heathens alike are invited to listen and learn.



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The Jesus Christ Show  7:00am Pacific Sun 180 min KTWO K2 Radio 1030 AM Casper, WY
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  6:00am Pacific Sun 120 min KVOR 740 AM Colorado Springs, CO
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  6:00am Pacific Sun 120 min WMBD 1470 AM Peoria, IL
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  8:00am Pacific Sun 180 min KFI 640 AM Los Angeles, CA
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  6:00am Pacific Sun 180 min KIT NewsTalk 1280 1280 AM Yakima, WA
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  9:00pm Pacific Sun 180 min KXL FM News 101 101.1 FM Portland, OR
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  6:00am Pacific Sun 180 min 600 KOGO 600 AM San Diego, CA
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  4:00pm Pacific Sun 180 min WMT 600 600 AM Cedar Rapids, IA
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  7:00pm Pacific Sun 180 min WRNO Talk 99.5 99.5 FM New Orleans, LA
Recording scheduled.
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The Jesus Christ Show  6:00am Pacific Sun 180 min AM 700 KBYR 700 AM Anchorage, AK
Recording scheduled.
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