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Shows: The Savage Nation - Michael

An independent-minded individualist, Michael fits no stereotype. He attacks big government and liberal media bias, but champions the environment and animal rights.


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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  12:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 120 min KTBL 94.5 The Pit 1050 AM Albuquerque, NM
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  6:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min WAPI Talk 99.5 1070 AM Birmingham, AL
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  1:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min KYRO Newstalk 1280 1280 AM Moscow Mills, MO
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  7:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min KFAR 660 AM Fairbanks, AK
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  11:00am Pacific Sat 60 min KKAT 860 AM 860 AM Salt Lake City, UT
The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  6:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 120 min KKAT 860 AM 860 AM Salt Lake City, UT
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  6:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 30 min AM 700 KBYR 700 AM Anchorage, AK
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  1:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min KAHI AM 950 950 AM Auburn, CA
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  12:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min KEYS 1440 AM Corpus Christi, TX
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  3:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min WWBA Newstalk Florida 820 AM Largo, FL
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The Savage Nation - Michael Savage  8:00pm Pacific Mon-Fri 180 min WVLK Newstalk 590 590 AM Lexington, KY
Recording scheduled.
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